Some credits up front, most of the ideas that Fledgeling was drawn from are not my own. Many have been drawn from other computer games, or things other people have said. Mostly, however, the ideas have come from God’s creation (which is to say, from experience of the world) or from God’s word (which is to say, the Bible). In recognition, here’s a short psalm.
in his name, from the seat of his personality for what you have known, the things proceeding from your understanding right things, the firm knowledge give glory to the origin, ascribe to Him the just Honor! when doubt assails you, when your hope grows dim then make your foundations firm, search out the sound basis with Him is the right way, in Him can be found the sure path though you may have good ideas, your reasoning understandable and convincing all good things come from His hand, the free gifts flow without bounds take from the Glorious One, receive the good things without shame rejoice in firmness and health, and make good use of your powers without Him we are nothing, lacking the Source all streams dry up continue in His mercies, make sport in the good paths
It doesn’t do Him justice, but I hope it does Him proud. Thanks to all of you who have helped through the years. I really appreciate it.
What does this have to do with Fledgeling? Well, the philosophy of the designer works its way into everything that a game is. It affects what is put in and (more subtle) what is left out. I believe that God made the world good, and understandable. It’s going to come out in anything I do, and especially an everything-sim like Fledgeling. If you want to make a nihilistic ode to destruction, go visit some other series. I serve a different spirit, one that has blessed creation.